

There is a TON of useful information in the 150 + posts available to you.  The Blog button takes you to the current posts.  The INDEX to All posts tab drops down to give you one-click access to ALL past posts by CATEGORY and TITLE (oldest to most recent).


LINKS to my BOOKS (on Amazon)….  

The Book Cover Images are links that will take you directly to their Amazon Bookshelf for purchase.
Emotions as Tools Cover
Beyond Anger Management: Master Your Anger as a Strategic Tool



My focus in this blog is two fold. First of all, I want to educate people about their emotion, relationships and other topics and, secondly, I want to publish information that you can use to improve your life and your relationships.

But, this blog is INFORMATIONAL only!

  • It is not intended to, and CANNOT, diagnose or treat any specific mental illness or psychological condition.
  • So, if you hurt, psychologically, please get professional help.
  •  If you get sick or your car gets “sick”, you see a doctor or a mechanic.  Hurting psychologically is no different, does not mean you are weak, and is telling you that you need some professional help or advice.   PLEASE… GET IT!
  • Therapy works!