I wanted to post an update regarding TheEmotionsDoctor.com Blog.
Eight years ago, I started this blog with the intent of providing anyone who was interested in learning about em0tions including…
- What emotions are
- Why you have emotions
- Where emotions come from
- The functions emotions serve
- How to strategically deploy emotions as tools to improve your life and your relationships
- Debunking the myths about emotions
- and
- Information on specific emotions such as anger, anxiety, fear, guilt and shame
- and more.
Starting this year, 2025, I have basically retired from blogging on a regular basis.
I was thinking about going dark.
However, as a guest on a podcast, the host of the podcast noted that I had a very informative Blog and should keep it live as a public service.
I thought about her comments and agreed.
So, TheEmotionsDoctor.com is now a repository of over 225+ posts, all of which are evergreen in that the information they contain is both current and valid.
Every post can be accessed by clicking on the INDEX tab above and scrolling down to a category and, with another click, going to the specific post you want to access.
I am still appearing as a guest on podcasts and you can access my past appearances by googling..
Ed Daube-Podcasts
My hope is that you will return many times in the future and will access my posts to increase your knowledge about emotions.
That you will tell your friends about my site so that they can become more adept as deploying their emotions as tools to improve their lives and their relationships.
The information is free, there is no log-in, and I do not collect any user data.