Happy Valentine’s Day if you are reading this when it originally drops.
This is a link to a podcast I recently did with David Webb.
In the interview, I covered a wide range of topics including my being labelled a “non-drinking alcoholic” while I was a Psychology Intern.
This label opened me up to my own process of denying my emotions and was a precursor to my becoming The Emotions Doctor.
Also, in the interview, I discuss the topic of suicide, provide a workable definition of “failure” and add some light to the difference between being “divorced” and being “single”.
If you have survived the dissolution of a marriage and you are still “troubled” by your past interactions with your spouse, you should find this last discussion enlightening.
Head’s Up (A Preview of What’s Coming)…
Over the next six weeks (one new post every two weeks), I will discuss three topics which could easily been included in this interview but were not discussed at any length.
Make a note on your calendar and come on back.
*Five Steps to Mastering Your Emotions as Strategic Tools. (2/28/24)
*Emotional Flexibility (3/13/24)
*How to Express Your Emotions (3/27/24)