My Holiday Greeting and Goodby (of sorts)

As I am writing this, Chanukah, Christmas, and Kwanza are coming up.

I hope that it has been a good year for you and that perhaps something I have written has been beneficial to you as you continue the lifelong journey of mastering your emotions as strategic tools.

This will be the last official regular post to

It has been my pleasure to provide you with useful information about you and your emotions that would entertain you, enlighten you, and empower you.

My goal has been to both free you from, and give you the ability to master, your emotions in pursuit of a better life and relationships.

To the extent that I have enabled you to move down that road, I have been successful.

Happy New Year and All the best to you and yours,

Ed Daube, Ph.D.                                                                                                                         The Emotions Doctor


My intent is to continue doing podcasts  (Google “Ed Daube, podcasts) so I will continue to host The Blog for the immediate future.

 My goal is to enable you and any podcast listener to go the Index Tab above and search by category and title any of my previous 225+ posts to reeducate yourself on any emotions related topic of interest to you.

I realize that there is a ton to useful evergreen information in my posts and I consider it a public service to keep the information available.